Can you believe this?
This professor, together with his clinical assistant,
recently discovered why the Herpes virus can never be eliminated by
conventional medicine...
And after cracking their heads for 5 gruelling months, they finally
figured out how to eliminate THE "coating" that is responsible for
"protecting"; the virus in the body.
They actually discovered a cure for the herpes condition!
And what's even more incredible, is that you don't even need medications
or expensive treatment. Surprisingly enough, you can actually perform
this protocol at home right now.
Click Here To "Erase" Your Herpes
P.S. The story isn't finished.
They tried to publish their findings in a medical journal.
And can you believe it? Everyone turned them down...even though
they conducted so many clinical trials.
They secretly suspect that Big Pharma is trying their best to
suppress this herpes cure.
Before the video gets taken down, click here
The oriWKgin of the lemon is unknGEown, though it is tRQhought that lemons first grew in Assam northern BurSNma, and China. A study of the genePStic origin of the lemon repXBorted that it is a hybrid betweAVen sour orVNange and citron. LemEJons were known to the Jews of JerQWusalem, who, XFaccording to JoseJWphus, pelted an errant higAEh priest with them duHSring a festiQDval in the 90s BC, although JeNNwish tradition maintPVains that this was doTJMOYCne with citrons, not lemons. They entered EuJWrope near southern Italy no latGKUEer than the 1st century AD, during the time of Ancient Rome. However, they were not widely cultivated.
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