Get on the same page with your partner about your finances
What if you planned for financial discussions instead of avoiding them? Budgets, debt, periodic expenses, all of it can be under control with a FREE Debt Analysis to get you on the path to living within your means and being debt free.
"Learn to be accountable for your money and know where it's going. You can't stick your head in the sand and assume you have enough money to pay your bills. Knowing what you have to spend and managing it is definitely a way to financial freedom--and not just financial freedom -- it's freedom, in general."
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Valinvest se dedica a la gestión de inversiones y a la consultoría, labores que realiza mediante sus compañías Valinvest SAFI y Sonnenfeld. El grupo Valinvest se caracteriza por su orientación a la creación de valor y generación de riqueza basándose en los principios y valores de la ética corporativa y un fuerte compromiso con el desarrollo de la persona y la familia.
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