martes, 23 de junio de 2015

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or all, not privileges for the few. And, its about protecting the rights of individuals, even if it angers the majority. I hope and believe I have fulfilled these principles to the best of my ability," he wrote.Even being at odds with Democrats, the two-term senator, 70, was still a desirable body within the caucus, particularly as Democrats face a serious challenge to their majority in November.Democrats have to hold on to 23 seats this cycle while Republicans defend 10. Republicans only need four seats to take the majority, and Nebraska's seat now could be a pick-up for the GOP.Among some of the names offered up on the Republican side for the seat are state Attorney General Jon Bruning, state Sen. Deb Fischer and state Treasurer Don Stenberg. Members of the state's congressional delegation, Reps. Lee Terry and Jeff Fortenberry, could also be tapped to run.Repeatedly named as a potential challenger to keep the seat for Democrats is former Sen. Bob Kerrey, who

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