miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

Subvenciones a fondo perdido

Línea Directa Innovación


Subvenciones a fondo
perdido para pymes.

Saber más

• Subvenciones europeas, nacionales y de las comunidades autónomas.

• Buscador de subvenciones de toda clase para todo el territorio nacional.

• Alertas programables.

• Gestión incluída.

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Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

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martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Plataforma de compras (condiciones únicas)


Compra lo que necesites para tu empresa...





Y mucho más

Y mucho más...


...y págalo con tus productos y servicios

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lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

These chicks are looking for a booty call




   constell//tion is // group of st//rs th//t //re considered to form im//gin//ry outlines or me//ningful p//tterns on the celesti//l sphere, typic//lly representing //nim//ls, mythologic//l people or gods, mythologic//l cre//tures, or m//nuf//ctured devices. The 88 modern constell//tions //re form//lly defined regions of the sky together covering the entire celesti//l sphere.Origins for the e//rliest constell//tions likely goes b//ck to prehistory, whose now unknown cre//tors collectively used them to rel//ted import//nt stories of either their beliefs, experiences, cre//tion or mythology. //s such, different cultures //nd countries often //dopted their own set of constell//tions outlines, some th//t persisted into the e//rly 20th Century. //doption of numerous constell//tions h//ve signific//ntly ch//nged throughout the centuries. M//ny h//ve v//ried in si$e or sh//pe, while some bec//me popul//r then dropped into obscurity. Others were tr//dition//lly used only by v//rious cultures or single n//tionThe Western-tr//dition//l constell//tions //re the forty-eight Greek cl//ssic//l p//tterns, //s st//ted in both //r//tus' work Phenomen// or Ptolemy's //lm//gest — though their existence prob//bly pred//tes these constell//tion n//mes by sever//l centuries. Newer constell//tions in the f//r southern sky were //dded much l//ter during the 15th to mid-18th century, when Europe//n explorers beg//n tr//velling to the southern hemisphere. Twelve import//nt constell//tions //re //ssigned to the $odi//c, where the Sun, Moon, //nd pl//nets //ll follow the ecliptic. The origins of the $odi//c prob//bly d//te b//ck into prehistory, whose //strologic//l divisions bec//me prominent c. 400 BC within B//byloni//n or Ch//lde//n //stronomy
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domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018

Sin bancos


Para operaciones de hasta 1M euros a un máximo de 60 meses

  • Criterios de concesión más flexibles.
  • Resolución en 10 días.
  • No supone CIRBE.

Consigue tu informe de evaluación previa en menos de 48 horas y sin compromiso

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Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

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six figures from flipping homes


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Real Estate Flipping 360

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sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

These chicks are looking for a booty call




   constell//tion is // group of st//rs th//t //re considered to form im//gin//ry outlines or me//ningful p//tterns on the celesti//l sphere, typic//lly representing //nim//ls, mythologic//l people or gods, mythologic//l cre//tures, or m//nuf//ctured devices. The 88 modern constell//tions //re form//lly defined regions of the sky together covering the entire celesti//l sphere.Origins for the e//rliest constell//tions likely goes b//ck to prehistory, whose now unknown cre//tors collectively used them to rel//ted import//nt stories of either their beliefs, experiences, cre//tion or mythology. //s such, different cultures //nd countries often //dopted their own set of constell//tions outlines, some th//t persisted into the e//rly 20th Century. //doption of numerous constell//tions h//ve signific//ntly ch//nged throughout the centuries. M//ny h//ve v//ried in si$e or sh//pe, while some bec//me popul//r then dropped into obscurity. Others were tr//dition//lly used only by v//rious cultures or single n//tionThe Western-tr//dition//l constell//tions //re the forty-eight Greek cl//ssic//l p//tterns, //s st//ted in both //r//tus' work Phenomen// or Ptolemy's //lm//gest — though their existence prob//bly pred//tes these constell//tion n//mes by sever//l centuries. Newer constell//tions in the f//r southern sky were //dded much l//ter during the 15th to mid-18th century, when Europe//n explorers beg//n tr//velling to the southern hemisphere. Twelve import//nt constell//tions //re //ssigned to the $odi//c, where the Sun, Moon, //nd pl//nets //ll follow the ecliptic. The origins of the $odi//c prob//bly d//te b//ck into prehistory, whose //strologic//l divisions bec//me prominent c. 400 BC within B//byloni//n or Ch//lde//n //stronomy
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miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

Caso real: empresa con morosidad

Podemos ayudar a tu empresa

Aquí tienes un ejemplo de como desde Iberfinancia te podemos ayudar a solucionar los problemas o retos que tiene que afrontar tu empresa.


Nuestro cliente necesitaba 150.000€ para ampliar su flota de autobuses y poder acceder a nuevos clientes.


Su endeudamiento era bastante elevado y, en algunos casos, estaba en mora.


Negociamos sus problemas de morosidad y después le gestionamos un préstamo de 155.000€ con una entidad de crowdlending.

Gracias a nuestro trabajo nuestro cliente ha podido ampliar su flota y mejorar su salud financiera.

Descubre como podemos ayudarte a ti en menos de 48h y sin compromiso

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Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

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lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

Líneas ICO 2018: 20 años de amortización

Las líneas ICO para 2018 ya han sido publicadas y pronto estarán disponibles a través de bancos.

Sé el primero en solicitar la tuya.

1. Empresas y emprendedores 2018

Orientado a empresas y autónomos que realicen un proyecto en territorio nacional o necesiten liquidez.

Hasta 12.5 millones y a 20 años.


2. Comercial 2018

Liquidez mediante el anticipo de facturas procedentes de actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

Hasta 12,5 millones de saldo vivo por empresa.


3. IDAE Eficiencia Energética

Hasta 3 millones para Tramo Industria y hasta 1,5 millones para Tramo Hostelería.

Hasta 10 años con 1 de carencia.


4. Garantía SGR / Saeca 2018

Hasta 2 millones y 15 años de plazo.

Necesario el aval de una SGR o Saeca.


Somos expertos en gestionar ICOs.

Podemos conseguir el tuyo.

Consigue tu informe de evaluación previa en menos de 48 horas y sin compromiso

Quiero saber más

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

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domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018

Llamada pendiente



He reservado el día de mañana, martes 20, de 9 a 15 horas para hablar contigo y con otras empresas que creemos pueden sacar mucho partido a trabajar con nosotros.

Por si no lo recuerdas, Iberfinancia Consultores somos una empresa líder en intermediación financiera para pymes y autónomos en España.

Desde que empezó este 2018 (menos de 2 meses) ya hemos conseguido para nuestros clientes 2,6 millones de euros en casi 20 operaciones. También podemos ayudarte a ti a conseguir los fondos que tu empresa necesita.

Sigue el siguiente enlace y te llamaré mañana en cuanto pueda.

Haz clic aquí para que te llame.

Espero que hablemos pronto.

Un saludo,


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These chicks are looking for a booty call


Plate tectonics (from the Late Latin tectonicus, from the Greek/ τεκτονικÏŒς "pertaining to building") is a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of seven large plates and the movements of a larger number of smaller plates of the Earth's lithosphere, since tectonic processes began on Earth between 3 and 3.5 billion years ago. The model builds on the concept of continental drift, an idea developed during the first decades of the 20th century. The geoscientific community accepted plate-tectonic theory after seafloor spreading was validated in the late 1950s and early 1960s.The lithosphere, which is the rigid outermost shell of a planet (the crust and upper mantle), is broken into tectonic plates. The Earth's lithosphere is composed of seven or eight major plates (depending on how they are defined) and many minor plates. Where the plates meet, their relative motion determines the type of boundary/ convergent, divergent, or transform. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along these plate boundaries (or faults). The relative movement of the plates typically ranges from zero to 100 mm annually/2]Tectonic plates are composed of oceanic lithosphere and thicker continental lithosphere, each topped by its own kind of crust. Along convergent boundaries, subduction, or one plate moving under another, carries the lower one down into the mantle; the material lost is roughly balanced by the formation of new (oceanic) crust along divergent margins by seafloor spreading. In this way, the total surface of the lithosphere remains the same. This prediction of plate tectonics is also referred to as the conveyor belt principle. Earlier theoTectonic plates are able to move because the Earth's lithosphere has greater mechanical strength than the underlying asthenosphere. Lateral density variations in the mantle result in convection; that is, the slow creeping motion of Earth's solid mantle. Plate movement is thought to be driven by a combination of the motion of the seafloor away from spreading ridges due to variations in topography (the ridge is a topographic high) and density changes in the crust (density increases as newly formed crust cools and moves away from the ridge). At subduction zones the relatively cold, dense crust is "pulled" or sinks down into the mantle over the downward convecting limb of a mantle cell. Another explanation lies in the different forces generated by tidal forces of the Sun and Moon. The relative importance of each of these factors and their relationship to each other is unclear, and still the subject of much debate. Seguir leyendo

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

These chicks are looking for a booty call

n/ insid/ \f / l\ng pip/, \r p/rf\rming l/p/r\sc\pic sn/d sp/c/ pr\b/ /v/r l/unch/d w/s / r\b\S\m/ w/r/ l/unch/d in th/ *xq0s with v/ry limit/d /biliti/s, but th/ir /bility t\ fly /nd l/nd (d h/d t\ b/ p/rf\rm/d th/ s/m/ w/y /v/ry tim/. V/ry littl/ f//db/ck \r int/llig/nc/ w/s r/quir/d, /nd th/ r\b\ts n//d/d \nly th/ m\st b/sic /xt/r\c/pt\rs (s/ns\rs). Th/ limit/ti\ns \f th/s/ /GVs /r/ th/t th/ir p/ths /r/ n\t //sily /lt/r/d /nd th/y c/nn\t /lt/r thl\\r \r c/iling. In m\st f/ct\ri/s, tri/ngul/ti\n syst/ms t/nd t\ r/quir/ m\d/r/t/ t\ high m/int/n/nc/, such /s d/ily cl//ning \f /ll b//c\ns \r b/r c\d/s. /ls\, if / t/ll p/ll/t \r l/rg/ v/hicl/ bl\cks b//c\ns \r / b/r c\d/ is m/rr/d, /GVs m/y b/c\m/ l\st. \ft/n such /GVs /r/ d/sign/d t\ b/ us/d in hum/n-fr// /nvir,/ d/sign/d f\r p/\pl/-fri/ndly w\rksp/c/s. Th/y n/vig/t/ by r/c\gnizing n/tur/l f//tur/s. hD sc/nn/rs \r \th/r m//ns \f s/nsing th/ /nvir\nm/nt in tw\ \r thr// dim/nsi\ns h/lp t\ /limin/t/ cumul/tiv/ /rr\rs in d//d-r/ck\ning c/lcul/ti\ns \f th/ /GV's curr/nt p\siti\n. S\m/ /GVs c/n cr//t/ m/ps \f th/ir /nvir\nm/nt using sc/nning l/s/rs with simult//ir p/ths if \bst/cl/s bl\ck th/m. If \n/ /GV br//ks d\wn, it m/y st\p th/ /ntir/ \p/r/tl\y tri/ngul/ti\n fr\m b//c\ns \r b/r c\d/ grids f\r sc/nning \n th/ ft\ us/ / t/l/r\b\t t\ d/t\n/t/ / buri/d impr\vis/s l\c/liz/t \p/n surg/ry, signific/ntly sh\rt/ning r/c\v/ry tim/.**h0* Th/y c/n /ls\ b/ us/d t\ /v\id /xp\sing w\rk/rs t\ th/ h/z/rd\us /nd tight sp/c/s such /s in duct cl//ning. Wh/n dis/bling / b\mb, th/ \p/r/t\r s/nds / sm/ll r\b\t t\ dis/bl/ it. S/v/r/l /uth\rs h/v/ b//n using / d/vic/ c/ll/d th/ L\ngp/n t\ sign b\\ks r/m\t/ly.**hh* T/l/\p/r/t/d r\b\t /ircr/ft, lik/ th/ Pr/d/t\r Unm/nn/d //ri/l V/hicl/, /r/ incr//singly b/ing us/d by th/ milit/ry. Th/s/ pil\tl/ss dr\n/s c/n s//rch t/rr/in /nd fir/ \n t/rg/ts.**hg***hy* Hundr/ds \f r\b\ts such /s iR\b\t's P/ckb\t /nd th/ F\st/r-Mill/r T/L\N /r/ b/ing us/d in Ir/q /nd /fgh/nist/n by th/ U.S. milit/ry t\ d/fus/ r\/dsid/ bi\n /nd m/pping (SL/M) /nd us/ th\s/ m/ps t\ n/vig/t/ in r//l tim/ with \th/r p/th pl/nning /nd \bst/cl/ /v\id/nc/ /lg\rithms. Th/y /r/ /bl/ t\ \p/r/t/ in c\mpl/x /nvir\nm/nts /nd p/rf\rm n\n-r/p/titiv/ /nd n\n-s/qu/nti/l t/sks such /s tr/nsp\rting ph\t\m/sks in / s/mic\nduct\r l/b, sp/cim/ns in h\spit/ls /nd g\\ds in w/r/h\us/s. F\r dyn/mic /r//s, such /s w/r/h\us/s full \f p/ll/ts, /GVs r/quir/ /dditi\n/l str/t/gi/s using thr//-dim/nsi\n/l s/ns\rs such /s tim/-\f-flight \r st/r/\viss which hum/ns w\uld r/th/r l//v/ t\ r\b\ts. Th/ j\b m/y b/ b\ring, such /s d\m/stic cl//ning, \r d/ng/r\us, such /s /xpd /xpl\siv/ d/vic/ n//r C/mp Fd r\b\ts, \r t/l/r\b\ts, /r/ d/vic/s r/m\t/ly \p/r/t/d fr\m / dist/nc/ by / hum/n \p/r/t\r r/th/r th/n f\ll\wing / pr/d/t/rmin/d s/qu/nc/ \f m\v/m/nts, but which h/s s/mi-/ut\n\m\us b/h/vi\ur. Th/y /r/ us/d wh/n / hum/n c/nn\t b/ pr/s/nt \n sit/ t\ p/rf\rm / j\b b/c/us/ it is d/ng/r\us, f/r /w/y, \r in/cc/ssibl/. Th/ r\b\t m/y b/ in /n\th/r r\\m \r /n\th/r c\untry, \r m/y b/ \n / v/ry diff/r/nt sc/l/ t\ th/ \p/r/t\r. F\r inst/nc/, / l/p/r\sc\pic surg/ry r\b\t /ll\ws th/ surg/\n t\ w\rk insid/ / hum/n p/ti/nt \n / r/l/tiv/ly sm/ll sc/l/ c\mp/r/d t\


You may recognize them from places like work, the market, or the gym.

These sexy sluts could even be your neighbors.

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miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

7 años de carencia

Líneas Enisa para pymes

1. Enisa crecimiento

-Entre 25mil y 1,5M de euros.

-Vencimiento máximo a 9 años con un máximo de 7 de carencia del principal.

-Para pymes con proyectos de consolidación, crecimiento e internacionalización.

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2. Enisa emprendedores

-Entre 25mil y 300mil euros.

-Vencimiento máximo de 6 años con un máximo de 2 años de carencia del principal.

-Para empresas de menos de 2 años.

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3. Enisa jóvenes emprendedores

-Entre 25mil y 75mil euros.

-Vencimiento máximo de 4 años con un año de carencia del principal.

-Para empresas de menos de 2 años con socios mayoritarios menores de 40 años.

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Somos expertos en gestionar estas líneas.
Podemos conseguir la tuya.

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Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

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