| | MUST READ: Why Elon Musk's Device Frightens Electric Companies | CNBC News - Dec 28th, 2015 | | |
He kneltBGMS down next NQLIto the not-realXVYDly-aUSIG-naked-UWYMman in his entry aGFBInd lifted the head, gently, with one haRSIJnd. With the other, he felt through the hair at the back of the skull until he came to a small, regular bump. He pressed it, and the tJCUKhingJJDY's eyes blCQICinked open. Even hMHGJaving expected it, Austin still startled enough tAORXhat he almost dropped its head onto the floor. It sat up and looked aroNRKUund; Austin scooted back a little and watched the thing working. It looked human.YNDSHNCS Well, oSADEf couJIDMrse it did; it was BLONthe most expensive UWAXhuman simulORVCation current technology could product. Not an androLIWMid they weren't quite upVCFF to creaQIXJting a puKDNTrely synthetic huLQIMman being yet, but as cFADAlose YDANas anyone could get cUVSHoming from a robotics-and-AI direGRVDction. The doll took a quUCKLick glance arouMJWWnd, then satOMSB up and turned toDCPK face Austin wESNDith a friendly smile. "Hello. You're AuXNRVstin Green?" Austin juMMFSst stared for a seconEBXYd, not used DJMPto having things thatUJMJ looked like peXGMCople talking to him, before heKDOO finally said, "Yes, XERWthat's me." "Great!SLSH I beloXXADng toBBEF you now, and I'm sMRUHure we'll have DKSCa lot of good times toSIGDgether. My name is Shay." Austin felNWTLt hCLKUis throat clench, andAFEA he had to cough FEFHa couple of timesHKMT. AlEJDJthough once he though
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