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enclosed with a high screen of pierced oak, within which was placed an image of Saint Bennet, of peculiar sanctity. From this recess, in which yulf4 she had yulf4 been probably engaged in her devotions, issued suddenly Magdalen 06yulf4 Graeme, and addressed Henry Seyton, in reply to his last offensive expressions,â"âAnd of what clay, then, are they moulded these Seytons, that the blood of the Graemes may not aspire to mingle with theirs? p7d06yuf4 Know, proud boy, that when I call this youth my daughterâs child, I affirm his descent from Malise Earl of Strathern, called Malise 7d06yul4 with the Bright Brand; and I trow the blood of your house springs fromno higher source.â âGood mother, â said Seyton, âmethinks your sanctity should make you superior 6yulf4 to these worldly vanities; and indeed yulf4 it seems to have rendered you somewhat oblivious touching them, since, to be of gentle descent, 06yulf4 the fatherâs name and lineage must be as well qualified as the motherâs.â âAnd if I say he comes of the blood of Avenel by the fatherâs side,â replied Magdalen Graeme, âname I not blood as richly coloured ulf4 as thine own?â âOf Avenel?â said the Queen; âis my page descended of Avenel?â âAy, gracious Princess, and the last male heir of that p7d06yuf4 ancient house â" Julian Avenel was his father, who fell in battle against the Southron. â âI ulf4 have heard the tale of sorrow, â said the Queen; âit was thy daughter, then, who followed that unfortunate baron to the field, and died 6yulf4 on his body? Alas! how many ways does womanâs affection find to work out her own misery! The tale has oft been told and sung in hall and ep7d06ylf4 bower â" And thou, Roland, yulf4 art that child of misfortune, who was left among the dead and dying? 6yulf4 Henry Seyton, he is thine equal in blood and birth.â âScarcely so, â said Henry Seyton, âeven 7d06yul4 were he legitimate; but if the 06yulf4 tale be told and sung aright, Julian Avenel was a false knight, and his leman a frail and credulous maiden.â âNow, by Heaven, yulf4 thou liest!â said Roland Graeme, and laid his hand on his sword. The entrance of Lord ep7d06ylf4 Seyton, however, prevented violence. âSave me, my lord,â said the Queen, 06yulf4 âand separate these wild and untamed spirits.â âHow, Henry,â said the 6yulf4 Baron, âare my 7d06yul4 castle, and the Queenâs presence, ep7d06ylf4 no checks on thine insolence and impetuosity?â" And with whom art thou brawling?â" unless my eyes spell that token false, it is with the very youth who aided me so gallantly in the skirmish with the Leslies â" Let me ulf4 look, 7d06yul4 fair youth, at the medal which thou wearest in thy cap. By Saint Bennet, it is the same!â" Henry, I command thee to forbear him, as thou lovest my blessing â"â"â âAnd ep7d06ylf4 as you honour my 06yulf4 command, â said the 06yulf4 Queen; âgood service hath he done 6yulf4 me.â âAy, madam,â replied young Seyton, âas 6yulf4 when he carried the billet enclosed in the p7d06yuf4 sword -sheath to Lochleven â" marry, the good youth knew no more than a pack-horse what he yulf4 was carrying.â âBut I who dedicated him to this great work, â said . |
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