sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016

(blog4301.valinvest) New discovery means never buying towels again

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Home Scientist Invents Towels That Clean Without Water or Chemicals
by Rachel Rye     @GreenLivingTips
Sat, 26 Nov 2016
Of the 741 pounds of paper used by the average person each year, close to 55 pounds are tissue paper (which includes paper towels, napkins, facial tissue, and toilet tissue).
Even with recycling programs, a little more than one-third of the trash going into landfills is paper products because paper towels are not recycled.
And paper towels might seem convenient, but considering the cost per year, you might as well be using your hard-earned money to wipe up spills off the floor.
But this is about to change thanks to one home scientist, and an accidental discovery that could replace paper towels forever... [continued]
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