jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Lovely food making

Paleohacks Cookbooks

I do not know about you, but as a Paleo person I struggle with finding protein snacks I like.

Yeah, I know about protein bars, and I know I m supposed to like them, but I hate’em.

They are too mealy for my taste.

Beef jerky is not my cup of tea, either. Trail mix gets old fast. And hard boiled eggs?

Let just say I have had my fill.

And then, one of my business partners sent me these incredible Paleo snack recipes...

Paleohacks Awesome Paleo Snack Recipes

Recipe after recipe, everything I tried, tasted really great!

Now I finally had what I wanted... something I could rely on in between meals. Something healthy. Something Paleo and nutritious. And something that tasted really good.

The best part?

These Paleo-friendly snacks can all be whipped up within 10 short minutes or less!

In the process, my health got even better because I was not compromising in between meals.

Whoever said it is right... You DO want to be eating, to be snacking throughout the day. It does keep your energy up.

Paleohacks Awesome Paleo Snack Recipes

Today, I just ignore the protein bar aisle, no matter how trendy. These homemade snacks and treats are way better.

Talk soon,

P.S. Of course, these recipes are pure Paleo which means they are free from dairy, soy, grains & gluten, added sugars, and processed ingredients.

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