martes, 2 de junio de 2015

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ng his coffin passed. Some struggled to get past police holding back the crowd."How can the sky not cry?" a weeping soldier standing in the snow said to state TV. "The people ... are all crying tears of blood."The dramatic scenes of grief showed how effectively North Korea built a personality cult around Kim Jong Il despite chronic food shortages and decades of economic hardship.A large challenge for North Korea's propaganda apparatus will be "to counter the public's perception that the new leader is a spoiled child of privilege," said Brian Myers, an expert on North Korean propaganda at Dongseo University in Busan, South Korea."Having Kim Jong Un trudge mournfully next to the hearse in terrible weather was a very clever move," Myers said.Even as North Koreans mourned the loss of the second leader the nation has known, the transition of power to Kim Jong Un was well under way. The young man, who is in late 20s, is already being hailed by state media as the "su

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