miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

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cinematic.The longer the clock ticks the less believable the film becomes. The characters are nightmarishly trapped in the apartment with little chance of escape. Initially both hosts and guests are arrogant, if not civilly rude to each other, begging the question: whod stick around for this? As chaos ensues and dirty laundry is aired in the tiny space, the ridiculous-factor is amped all the way up to outlandish.For the most part, the cast is great. Jodie Foster, though, is terribly miscast as the anxious, sniffling and whining Penelope Longstreet, a struggling writer with a grudge against Kate Winslets socialite Nancy Cowan. When emotions runs thick and tempers flare, the cast handles the descent into primitive madness very well except Foster. Once liquor takes control of the characters and they all stoop to stark raving lunacy, Fosters stilted delivery and unbelievable anger is cause to cringe for all the wrong reasons.Oscar-winner Christoph Waltz shines the b

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