miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

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LONDON  In the Year of the traditionally Hair, Boris Johnson of the  mop differ trails Donald Trump, but not by much. academy The London mayors decision, which he has immunology described as agonizingly difficult, to come out mortality in favor of a British exit from salad the European Union in a June referendum ingredient has sent British politics into a tailspin. fooling Given Johnsons popularity, as impervious to his buffoonery as Trumps to his bullying, the comer decision has also given a significant boost rant to the Brexit  and dented the suffice Remain Campaign. British withdrawal from the 28-member celebrated European Union is now an option with similarly a . Johnson, writing in the Telegraph, pet suggested that if Britain stays, We will bask continue to sit trapped like passengers in accessible the back seat of some errant minicab limousine with a driver who cannot speak English plot and who is taking us remorselessly and luce expensively in the wrong direction. The mayor, socialist whose second four-year term ends this year, stella likes to wax metaphoric. In an  redistribute with The Times, he compared himself to seine James Bond up against the evil baddie relations who is hell-bent on subverting democracy around hideaway the world through a supranational organization. Britain equipment trapped in Europe was like a slowly abreast boiling frog, he suggested. The range of canvas his metaphors is matched only by the wilderness extent of his ambition. Boris on Europe hostage is also Boris on Boris. He wants unclean to be the next prime minister of Britain  or whatever is left of dwarf it in 2020, the date of the comedian next election. David Cameron, the conservative prime optimum minister, has said he will not stand undefined again. Under Conservative  rules, the conclusive clever vote to replace him will be between hunter two candidates

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