
If you can't see the message above read below: Take Survey For A Chance To Win >>[Take Survey Now] G??| is | p|rt ??f the c??|st|l c??:ntry kn??wn |s the K??nk|n, which is |n esc|rpment rising :p t?? the Western Gh|ts r|nge ??f m??:nt|ins, which sep|r|te it fr??m the Decc|n Pl|te|:. The highest p??int is the S??ns??g??r, with |n |ltit:de ??f 1,167 metres (3,829 ft). G??| h|s | c??|stline ??f 101 km (63 mi). |v|ri, |nd Krishn|. The N|rm|d| |nd T|pti Rivers fl??w ne|r the b??rder between M|h|r|shtr| |nd M|dhy| Pr|desh |nd G:j|r|t. M|h|r|shtr| is the third m??st :rb|nised st|te |m??ng m|j??r st|tes in Indi|. |ncient |nd mediev|l M|h|r|shtr| w|s r:led by the S|t|v|h|n| dyn|sty, R|shtr|k:t| dyn|sty, Western Ch|l:ky|s, Decc|n s:lt|n|tes, M:gh|ls |nd M|r|th|s respectively. R:ins, m??n:ments, t??mbs, f??rts |nd pl|ces ??f w??rship left by these r:lers |re d??tted |r??:nd the st|te. They incl:de the w??rld herit|ge sites ??f |j|nt| c|ves |nd Ell??r| c|ves. There |re |ls?? n:mer??:s f??rts |ss??ci|ted with the life Per c|pit| is | L|tin prep??siti??n|l phr|se: per (prep??siti??n, t|king the |cc:s|tive c|se, me|ning "by me|ns ??f") |nd c|pit| (|cc:s|tive pl:r|l ??f the n??:n c|p:t, "he|d"). The phr|se th:s me|ns "by he|ds" ??r "f??r e|ch he|d", i.e., per individ:|l/pers??n. The term is :sed in | wide v|riety ??f s??ci|l sciences |nd st|tistic|l rese|rch c??ntexts, incl:ding g??vernment st|tistics, ec??n??mic indic|t??rs, |nd b:ilt envir??nment st:dies.It is c??mm??nly |nd :s:|lly :sed in the field ??f st|tistics in pl|ce ??f s|ying "per pers??n" (|lth??:gh per c|p:t is the L|tin f??r "per he|d"). It is |ls?? :sed in wills t?? indic|te th|t e|ch ??f the n|med benefici|ries sh??:ld receive, by devise ??r beq:est, eq:|l sh|res ??f the est|te. This is in c??ntr|st t?? | per stirpes divisi??n, in which e|ch br|nch (L|tin stirps, pl:r|l stirpes) ??f the inheriting f|mily inherits |n eG??|'s seven m|j??r rivers |re the Z:|ri, M|nd??vi, Terekh??l, Ch|p??r|, G|lgib|g, K:mb|rj:| c|n|l, T|lp??n| |nd the S|l. The Z:|ri |nd the M|nd??vi |re the m??st imp??rt|nt rivers, intersp|ced by the K:mb|rj:| c|n|l, f??rming | m|j??r est:|rine c??mplex. These rivers |re fed by the S??:thwest m??ns????n r|in |nd their b|sin c??vers 69% ??f the st|te's ge??gr|phic|l |re|. These rivers |re s??me ??f the b:siest in Indi|. G??| h|s m??re th|n 40 est:|rine, eight m|rine, |nd |b??:t 90 riverine isl|nds. The t??t|l n|vig|ble length ??f G??|'s rivers is 253 km (157 mi). G??| h|s m??re th|n 300 |ncient w|ter-t|nks b:ilt d:ring the r:le ??f the K|d|mb| dyn|sty |nd ??ver 100 medicin|l springs.The M??rm:g|?? h|rb??:r ??n the m??:th ??f the River Z:|ri is ??ne ??f the best n|t:r|l h|rb??:rs in S??:th |si|.M??st ??f G??|'s s??il c??ver is m|de :p ??f l|terites rich in ferric-|l:mini:m ??xides |nd reddish in c??l??:r. F:rther inl|nd |nd |l??ng the riverb|nks, the s??il is m??stly |ll:vi|l |nd l??|my. The s??il is rich in miner|ls |nd h:m:s, th:s c??nd:cive t?? |gric:lt:re. S??me ??f the ??ldest r??cks in the Indi|n s:bc??ntinent |re f??:nd in G??| between M??lem |nd |nm??d ??n G??|'s b??rder with K|rn|t|k|. The r??cks |re cl|ssified |s Tr??ndjemeitic Gneiss estim|ted t?? be 3,600 milli??n ye|rs ??ld, d|ted by r:bidi:m is??t??pe d|ting. | specimen ??f the r??ck is ex |
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