martes, 2 de julio de 2019

“I’ve never touched an iPhone… how did one damage my eyes?”


Did you ever yell these words?

“Don’t sit so close to the TV â€" you’ll go blind!”

According to research from Rutgers Medical School, it’s NOT the TV you need to worry about.

It’s your iPhone.

Or your Android, or tablet, or any LCD screen you run into.

Even if YOU aren’t looking directly at it…

Even if your kids or grandkids are using it in the same room as you…

Smartphones emit toxic “Blue Radiation” that destroys your eyesight.

And they’re especially dangerous for Baby Boomers born between 1947 and 1964.

The more you use your smartphone, the more likely you’ll need reading glasses or bifocals.

And they’re especially dangerous for Baby Boomers born between 1947 and 1964.

But even if you’re not the one using it…

That “Blue Radiation” from LCD screens can bounce off walls and make you go blind early.

It’s called “Second-Hand Smartphone Blindness.”

Luckily, my friend Dr. Ryan Shelton has come up with an at-home method to protect yourself.

He explains it all in a free presentation, which you can see right here.


ples. Gradually, a map began to fill in the white blotch. The Sahara and the Sahel entered the geographic corpus by way of naturalist explorers because aridity is the feature that circumscribes the boundaries of the ecumene. The map details included topographical relief and location of watering holes crucial to long crossings. The Arabic word "Sahel" (shore) and "Sahara" (desert) made its entry into the vocabulary of geography. Latitudinally, the "slopes" of the arid desert, devoid of continuous human habitation, descend in step-like fashion toward the northern and southern edges of the Mediterranean that opens to Europe and the Sahel that opens to "Trab al Sudan." Longitudinally, a uniform grid divides the central desert then shrinks back toward the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. Gradually, the Sahara-Sahel is further divided into a total of twenty sub-areas: central, northern, southern, western, eastern, etc. In this way, "standard" geography has determined aridity to be the boundary of the ecumene. It identifies settlements based on visible activity without regard for social or political organizations of space in vast, purportedly “empty” areas. It gives only cursory acknowledgement to what makes Saharan geography, and for that matter, world geography unique: mobility and the routes by which it flows. â€" An atlas of the Sahara-Sahel : geography, economics and security The Sahel or "African Transition Zone" has been affected by many formative epochs in North African history ranging from Ottoman occupation to the Arab-Berber control of the Andalus. As a result, many modern African nation-states that are included in the Sahel evidence cultural similarities and historical overlap with their North African neighbours. In the present day, North Africa is associated with West Asia in the realm of geopolitics to form a Middle East-North Africa region. The Islamic influence in the area is also significant and North Africa is a major part of the Muslim world. Some researchers have postulated that North Africa rather than East Africa served as the exit point for the modern hum

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