martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

Is your dog healthy? Know your dog's oral health status.


80% of Dogs Have Oral Disease - Your Dog Might Be One of Them!

You might be risking your dog's health. For every year you don't brush your dog's teeth or provide them with dental care, you are dramatically increasing their chance of life-altering oral diseases. Give your dog's mouth the attention it deserves with DogDentist and save a TON of money in vet bills. Find out how this one product can reduce the risk of oral diseases in this video below.

Learn More For More Info

Since 1976 any person may nominate any Australian citizen for an award. The nominations are reviewed by the Council for the Order of Australia, and then approved by the governor-general. The order is awarded on Australia Day and on the Queen's Birthday public holiday in June, when public announcements are made about new awards, on the occasion of a special announcement by the governor-general (usually honorary awards), and on the appointment of a new Governor-General. People who are not Australian citizens may be awarded honorary membership of the order at all levels. Appointments to the order are not made posthumously; however, if a nominee dies after accepting an appointment but before the relevant announcement date, the appointment stands and it is announced as having effect from no later than the date of the nominee's death. Awardees may subsequently resign from the order, and also may have their award cancelled by the governor-general.[note 5] Appointment process A nomination for an Order of Australia award starts with an Australian citizen filling in a confidential form and submitting it to the honours secretariat at Government House in Canberra. This form is not covered by the Freedom of Information Act. The nomination forms are given to the Council for the Order of Australia. Who attends meetings of the council and reasoning as to why a nomination either did or did not result in an appointment is confidential. The council makes recommendations to the governor-general, who presents the order's insignia to new appointees, The council may also advise the governor-general to remove an individual from the order. Announcements of all awards, cancellations and resignations appear in the Commonwealth Gazette. People awarded honours have the option of not having the information appear on the "It's an Honour" website

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