martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

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repent of them." "Madam, c3mt I speak with all reverence, " said the Lady Lochleven; "but I am old, and claim the privilege of age. Methinks your bkh7drcmt followers might find

fitter subjects for repentance than the trifles you rc3mt mention, and so mention - once more, I crave your pardon - as if you jested with sin and repentance both. "

"You have been our taster, Lady Lochleven, " said the Queen, "I perceive you would eke out your duty with that of our Father Confessor - and bkh7drcmt

since you choose that our conversation should be serious, 7drc3mt may I ask you why the Regent’s promise - since your son drc3mt so styles himself - has not been kept to me in that

respect? From time to time this promise c3mt has drc3mt been renewed, and as constantly broken. Methinks those who pretend themselves to so much gravity and sanctity, 7drc3mt drc3mt should not

debar from others the religious succours which their consciences ebkh7dr3mt c3mt require. " "Madam, the Earl of Murray was indeed weak enough, " said

the Lady Lochleven, "to give so far way to your unhappy prejudices, rc3mt and a religioner of the Pope presented himself on his part at our town kh7drc3t of kinross. but the douglhi is lord

of his own castle, and will not permit his threshold to be darkened, no not for a single moment, by an emissary belonging to the Bishop of Rome." drc3mt

"Methinks it were well, then," said Mary, "that my Lord Regent would send me rc3mt where there is less scruple and more 7drc3mt charity." bkh7drcmt "In this, madam, " answered the Lady Lochleven, "you

mistake the nature both of charity and of religion. Charity giveth to those who are rc3mt drc3mt in delirium the medicaments which may avail their health, but refuses those enticing cates rc3mt and

liquors which rc3mt please the palate, but augment the disease." "This your charity, Lady Lochleven, is pure drc3mt cruelty, under the hypocritical disguise of

friendly care. I am oppressed amongst you as if you meant the destruction both of my body and soul; but Heaven drc3mt will not endure such iniquity

for ever, and they who are the most active agents in it may speedily expect kh7drc3t their reward." At this moment Randal entered the apartment, drc3mt with a look

so much perturbed, that the Lady Fleming uttered ebkh7dr3mt a faint scream, the Queen was obviously startled, and the Lady of Lochleven, though too bold and proud to evince any marked

signs of alarm, asked hastily what was the matter? "Dryfesdale has been ebkh7dr3mt slain, madam, " was the reply; "murdered as soon as ebkh7dr3mt he gained the

dry bkh7drcmt land by young Master Henry Seyton." It was now Catherine's turn to start and grow pale -"Has the murderer of the Douglas's vhial escaped?" was bkh7drcmt the lady's hasty question.

"There drc3mt was none to challenge him but old Keltie, and the carrier Auchtermuchty," replied Randal; "unlikely men to bkh7drcmt stay one of the frackest 7drc3mt 36

youths in Scotland of his years, and who was c3mt sure to have friends and partakers rc3mt at no great kh7drc3t distance." "Was the deed completed?" said the Lady.

"Done, and done thoroughly, " said Randal; "a Seyton seldom strikes twice - But the body was not despoiled, and your honour's packet goes forward bkh7drcmt .

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