lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

Hearing Aid Monopoly Bans Hearing Remedy

Reverse Hearing Loss In 17 Days...
(Proof Inside)

Jailed For Discovering Hearing Loss Remedy

A revolutionary hearing loss remedy has taken the entire Medical World by surprise.

Click here NOW (before it's too late)

Apparently this miracle formula comes from the heart of the Amish community and allows anyone to restore their hearing in less than 17 days, without surgery or [ more...]

Click here for the revolutionary method...

This natural remedy has been kept secret until now and it's only available to you for a very short time. You can't afford to miss this!

Make sure you watch the presentation until it's over, because the end will blow your mind!

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process, meaning the ear, or there is something wrong with the neural portion of the process, meaning the brain. The process of understanding how sound travels t q o the brain is imperative in understanding how and why these two reasons would cause a person develops hearing loss. The process is as follows: soun 2kq d waves are transmitted to the outer o2kq ear, sound waves are conducted down to ear canal, bringing kqthe sound waves to the eardrum where they vibrate, kq these vibrations are now passed through the 3 tiny ear bones in the middle, w q ich cause the fluid to move in the inner ear, the fluid moves the 2kq hair cells, the movement of the hair cells cause the vibrations to be converted inv 2kq rve impulses, the q nerve impulses are taken to the brain by the audi q tory nervethe auditory nerve takes the impulses to the medulla oblongata, the brainstem send the impulses to the midbrain, which finally goes to the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe This process is complex and involves several steps that depend o2kq eon the previous step in order for the vibrations or nerve impulses to be passed on. This is why if anything goes wrong at either the mechanical or neural portion of the process, it could result in sound not being processed by the brain, hence, leading to hea kqring loss. auditory association cortex produced by physical trauma can result in deafness and other problems in auditory perception. The place where the lesion occurs o2kq e on the auditory cortex plays an important 2kq role in what type of h q earing deficit wil 2kq l occur in a person. A study conducted by Clarke et kq al.tested three subjects for the ability to identify a produced environmental sound, the source of the sound, and whether or not the source is movi q ng. All three subjects had trauma to different parts of t kqe auditory cortex, and each kqpatient demonst 2kq rated a different set of auditory deficits, suggesting that di q fferent parts of the auditory cortex controlled different parts of the hearing means, lesion o 2kq ne part of auditory cortex and it could result in one or two deficits. It would take larger lesions at t

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