lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

Best Swing for Older Golfers

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Easy Golf Swing for Injured Players


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er. The length of tees varies according to the club intended to be used and by personal preference; longer tllow the player to position the ball higher off the t ground while remaining stable whe h2t n planted, and are generally used for modern deep-faced woods. They can be planted deeper for use with other clubs but then tend to break more often. Shorter tees are suitable for i h2t rons and are more easily inserted and less easily broken than long tees. Other desig 2t ns of tee xh2t s exist; the "step tee" is milled or molded with a spool-se 2t haped upper half, and so generally provides a consistent ball height from shot to shot. The 2t "brush tee" uses a collection of stiff bristles instead of a cup t xh2t s o position the ball; the design is toe t uted by its manufacturer as providing less interference to the ball or club at impact, for a straighter, Alternately, the rules allow for a mound of sand to be used for the same function, also only on the first shot. Before the invention of the wooden sp 2t ike tee, this was the h2t only accepted method of lifting the ball for the initial shot. This is rarely done in modern times, as a tee is easier to place, hit from, and recover, but some courses prohibit the 2t use of tees either for traditional reasons, or because a swing that hits the tee will drive it into or ripe t e t it out of the ground, resul h2t ting in damage to the turf of t ll mark repair tool (also known as a pitchfork or divot tool) is used to repair a ball mark (a depression in the green where a ball has hit the ground on its approach shot). h2t Some tees contain such a tool at the end, for pur h2t e convenience when on the green. To repair a ball mark, one pushes the tool next to the mark and pushes gently inwards from all sides, loosening the compacted t of golf, but the USGA allows individual course 2t clubs h2t to institute a loca h2t l rule permitting rangefinders, and they are common among recreational golfe 2t rs. The typical rangefinder is an optical device that is aimed by sighting the scope on the flag and using the calibrated gauge in the optics to estimate the distance based on xh2t s the flagstick's apparent height. Other rangefinders estimate range using a calibrated focu xh2t s or parallax control; the user sights the target, brings it into focus, and reads the distance mark on the control. New 2t er laser rangefinders operate by simply sighting any target and pressing a switch to take ae t very precise distan

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