miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Are you receiving my emails?

Hello blog4301.valinvest,

I hope I am reaching your correct email at blog4301.valinvest@blogger.com. For some reason, the phone number
I have on file for you seems to be incorrect.

I'm reaching out to see if we could set up a quick call to discuss some fixed refinance options
for your current mortgage.

The Federal Reserve will be raising rates this coming fall, and right now is a great time to
review your options for lowering your interest rate and fixing it into something long term.

Please let me know the best day, time, and phone number for a call, or you can call me direct,
at (404) 800-3866. I look forward to speaking with you.


  Jennifer Thompson  Senior Consultant   Gateway Mortgage Quote  Office: (404) 800-3866  

  This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of blog4301.valinvest@blogger.com.   If you would like me to stop contacting you, just reply to this message and add unsubscribe to the subject line.   

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