A pact that will bring the American family down to the darkest pits...
And it's no surprise Obama is the dark leader of this devious plan.
Analysts warn it's going to devastate millions of families... especially those with children.
Click here to see why...
This independent investigation has been running online
For a no more than a couple of weeks
And it was taken down 17 times in this period.
More than 22 million Americans have accessed the link
And they are PANICKED.
Watch the full video disclosure here
cu-drama produced by . It aired on 37 the National Geographic Channel, on the TV ser ies, National Geogr 7aphic Channel Presents, and BBC Three that depicts various doomsday scena rios. The documentary follows the fictional scientist Dr. Howell 37, played by Glenn Conroy, as he travels f c37 rom his London hotel roo c37 m to his laboratory in New York City, and shows how each sc enario affects his journey as well as those around him, with various exper ources cite five different scenarios including a giant volcanic explosion, but the volcanic exp losion segment has never been aire 7d in the United 37 States. It has been edited out by the Nationa l Geographic Channel for time problems and all references to it on the Na xwc37 tional Geographic webs ite have been removed c37 . Only the other four scenarios have been aired. However, the BBC website h ad the sup xwc37 er volcano episode until it wa 7s removed sometim c37 e aftKTV History aired the version including the supervolcano segment owever, in the original BBC airing each of the scenarios 37showed the attempts of a family or person to escape the depicted di saster as well as following Dr. Howell, these segments were mostly cut c37 , with people protesting outside an d shouting, "Stop the experiment!" Upon arrival, he and his colleagues initiate a highly controv ersial experiment using t c37 ting in the creation of a new type of matter called a strangelet, which begin s to consume and destroy all matter around it, starting with New York City 7. The phenomenon wreak s havoc on Earth's weather systems and atmosphe c37 re, and also causes rampant storms which
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