martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

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example a bar code or choke point or gate. Others are 'real-time' or 'near real-time' like Global Positioni ng Syste 4u1ba ms depending on how often the data is refreshed. There are bar-code systems which requ ire a person to scan items and automatic identificatio). bahe tems for different ap 4u1ba plications. That is, bar-code system s are separate from Electronic Product Codesystems, GPS systems are separate from active real time loc ting systems or RTLS fo 1ba her example, a passive RFID system would be used in a u1ba warehouse to scan the boxes as they are loaded on a truck - then tvb bahe truck itself is tracked on a different system using GPS with its own features and software. The major technology "silos" in the supply chain are: and software. The major technology "silos" o 1ba in the supply chain are: such use of the RFID technology is in tracking IDs of students.sing GPS IDs would resolve the decreasing attendance in bahe school u1ba s by monitoring the whereabouts o u1ba f students when they did not attend class (Jensen, 2008). I t is also used to efficiently check attendance. Perks of this tracking system is allowing students to check out l ibrary books buy food in the cafeterias (Jensen, 2008). The GPS IDs alo 1ba so act as a s baheecurityo 1ba measure to monitor any unwanted visitors or an emergency locator if a student cannot be found (Jensen, 2008). In the Spring Independent Sc hool District, students have been using for many yea 4u1ba rs in check that students are staying in school during the day. Since they’ve instigated the systo u1ba em, attendance has increase thus schooling funding has increased as well less of the tracking technology, for the most part the end-users just want to l baheocate themsel 4u1ba ves or wish to find p oints of inte 4u1ba rest. The reality is that there is no "one size fits all" solution with locating technology for all co nditions and applications. Application of bahetracking is a substantial basis for vehicle tracking in fleet management, asset management, individu al navigation, social networking, or mobile resource manageme u1ba nt and more. Company, group or individual interests can benefit from more than one of the offere Recently, debates over the Fouro 1ba th Amendment have come up. Conservative students wish to ko 1ba eep their privacy and f orbid to wear tracking devices, especially bahehackers can break into these systems to find out students’ information. Since many schools, such as those in the Spring Independent School District, require students to wear the tracking IDs, students argue that it is an immediate violation of their privacy (Jensen, 2008). Yet, the Fourth Amendment is not violated in these cases since students are not tracked in their homes (Warner, 2007). Each school’s decision over GPS IDs varies as states develop laws

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