sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

This Could Be Your Chance to Lower your Rate

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You May Still Qualify for Cheap Auto Insurance


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in the United States and elsewhere, is designed to cover risk of financial liability or the loss of a motor vehicle the 2yowner may face if their vehicle ism wg2y p involved in a collision resulting in property or phys ical damages. Some states require a motor vehicl jwg2y pe owner to carry some minimum level of liability insuranc e. States that do not require the vehicle owner to carry car insurance inc g2y lude Virginia, where an uninsu red motor vehicle fee may be paid to the state; New Hampshire, and Mi which offers vehicle own ers the om wg2y pption to post cas g2y h bonds (see below). The privileges and immunities clause of Article IV of th e U.S. Constitution protects the rights of citizens in each respective state when traveling t g2y o another. A mot or vehicle owner typically pays insurers a monthly fee, oftem jwg2y pn called an insurance premium. The insurance premiu m a motor vehicle owner pays is usually determined by a variety of factors including the type of covered vehi cle, the age and g2y gender of any covered drivers, their driving history, and the loc 2yation whem wg2y pre the vehicle is primarily driven and stored. Most insurance com wg2y panies offe 2yr premium discounts based on these factors. Insurance companies provide a motor vehicle owner with an insurance card for the particular coverage term whi ch is to be kept in the vehicle in the event of a traffic collision as proof of insurance. Recently, states h ave startm wg2y ped passing laws that electronic versions of proof of in property damage is where an insured driver (or 1st party) drives into a telephone pole and damages the polm wg2y pe; liability coverage pays for the damage to the pole. In this example, the drivers insured may also be come liable for other expenses related to damaging the telephone pole, g2y such as loss of service claims (by the te lephone company), depending on g2y the jurisdiction. An example of bodily injury is where an insured driver causes bodily harm to a third party and the insured driver is deemed responsible for the injuries. However, in some jur isdictions, the thir 2yd party would first exhaust coverage form wg2y p accident benefit 2ys through their own insurer (assuming they have one) and/or would have to meet a legal d jwg2y pefinition of severe impairment to have the right to claim (or s ue) under the insured driver'

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