martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

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t supported bridge (or fixed denture) is a group of teeth secured 5v0 to dental implants so the prosthet ic cannot be 0 removed by the user. Bridges typically connect to more than one impl m5v0 nt and may also con nect to teeth as a m5v0 nchor points. Typica v0lly the number of teeth will outnumber the anchor points with the teeth that are directly over the implants referred 5v0 to as abutments and those between abutments referre d to asn hm5v0 ect pontics. Implant supported bridges attach to implaa v0nt abutmn hm5v0 ectents in the same w 0ay as a single too th implant replacement. a v0A fixed bridge may replace as few as two teeth (also known as a fixed partial d enture) an m5v0 d may extend to replace an entire arch of teeth (also known as a fixed full denture). In both c ases, the prosthesis is said to be 5v0 fixed because it cannot be removed by 5v0 the denture wear A removable implant supported denture (also an implant supported overdenturs a type of dental pr osthesis which is not permanently fixed in place. Ta v0he dental prosthesis can be disconnected from the implant abutments with fa v0inger pressure by the wearer. To enable this, the abutment is shaped as a small connector (a button, ball, bar or magnet) which can be conn hm5v0 ected to analogous adapters in a v0the underside of the dental pros thesis. Facial prosthetics, used to correct facial deformities (e.g. from can hm5v0 ectncer treatment or injuries) can u tilise connections to implants placed in the facial bones.epending on the situation the implant may be u sed to retain either a fixed or removable prosthetic that replaces part of the face In orthodontics, small diametera 5v0 dental implants, referred to as Temporary Anchorage Devices (or TADs) can a ssist toon hm5v0 ectth movement by creating anchor points from which forces can be generated. ever, later research suggests that the initial stability of the implant in bon hm5v0 ectne is a more imp ortant determinant of success of implant integration, rather than a 5v0 certain period of healing time . As a result, the t m5v0 ime allowed to heal is typically based on the density of bone m5v0 the implant is pl aced in an hm5v0 ectnd the number of implants splinted togetha v0er, rather than a uniform amount of time. When impl ants can withstand high torque (35 Ncm) and are splinted to other implants, there are no meaningful di ferences in 0 long-term implant survival or bone loss between implants l m5v0 oaded immediately, a 0t three months , or at six months. The corollary is that single implan 5v0 ts, even in solid bone, require a period of no-load

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