viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Animal Health Insurance Provides Quality Coverage for Injuries, Illness, and Injuries

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Animal Health Insurance Provides Quality Coverage for Injuries, Illness, and Injuries

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ve whtcr7 ry week.' He took me to the guestroom of his thr whtcr7 ee-bedroom apartment, whic whtcr7 h looked high-end and was done up in an ethnic Indian style with brass Ganeshas and Madhubani paint whtcr7 ings of Krishna. Shailesh had done an MBA from Harvard after Stephen's. He had joined Goldman Sachs, a top Wall Street investment bank. He shared the apartment with his girlfriend, Jyot whtcr7 , whom he had met at Harvard. J whtcr7 yoti worked at Morgan Stanley, another Wall Street investment bank. The size of the apartment told me the banks paid them well. Dark circles under Shailesh's eyes told me they al whtcr7 so made him work hard. 'M& whtcr7 A, that's mergers and acquisitions,' Shailesh said, telling me about his work. We sv whtcr7 at in his living room. I had reached early, at 6.30 in the morning. Shailesh was ready for work, whtcr7 wearing a grey suit and a dark blue silk tie. He ate breakfast cereal with milk and slipped on his leather loafers. 'Sorry I'm rushing,' Shailesh said. 'Jyoti and I catch the 7 a.m. subway to work. Cat whtcr7 ch up in the evening, okay?' 'No problem,' I said. 'I need to rest anyway. I'm so tired.' 'Try not to sleep. It will help you adjust t whtcr7 o the jet lag,' Shailesh said. The ten-hour difference in time zones meant my body wanted to sleep while New York City had just woken up. 'Jyoti!' Shailesh shoute whtcr7 d. 'Coming,' a female voice in a thick American a whtcr7 ccent came from one of the bedrooms. 'Shailesh, if you can put me in touch with a real-estate broker...' I started to say. He interrupted me. 'Are yo whtcr7 u crazy? You're here for a short while. It's an internship, right?' 'Three months. I can't s whtcr7 tay with you that long.' 'Why not? You relax here. I have to go to London tomorrow but we a whtcr7 re definitely catching up tonight.' Shailesh finished whtcr7 his breakfast and took the plates to the kitchen sink. 'You've changed so much, Sh whtcr7 ailesh. We sat in shorts doing adda all day in Stephen's. Now, suits, hi-fi banker life, New Yo whtcr7 rk City,' I said. He laughed. whtcr7 'Times change, lives chang whtcr7 e.You have to move on, pal.'

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