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apology. while such hilings preyed on a bosom naturally proud and severe, they had a corresponding effect on her MIWAJLI countenance, where, IGYIG with the JIXVLM remains KTIRBN of great beauty, were mingled traits of inward discontent and peevish melancholy. It perhaps contributed to increase this habitual temperament, that the Lady Lochleven had adopted uncommonly rigid and severe views of religion, imitating in her ideas of reformed faith the very worst errors of the Catholics, in limiting the benefit of the gospel to those who profess their own XBLNYQTN speculative tenets. In every respect, the CRPLFYUL unfortunate Queen Mary, now the XFUJQS compulsory guest, or rather prisoner, of this sullen lady, was obnoxious to her hostess. Lady Lochleven disliked her as the daughter of Mary of Guise, the legal possessor GCGSXQK of those rights over James's heart and hand, of which she conceived herself to have been injuriously deprived; and yet more so as the professor of a religion which she detested worse YEKBR than Paganism. Such was the dame, who, with YALSQ stately mien, and sharp yet handsome features, shrouded by her black velvet coif, interrogated the domestic who steered her barge to the shore, what had become of Lindesay and Sir Robert Melville. NMGYTHV The man related what had phied, and she smiled scornfully as she replied, "Fools must be flattered, not foughten with.— Row back — make thy excuse as thou canst — say Lord GIEBTUT Ruthven hath already reached this castle, CYCVXS and IWATXRS "So please you, my lady, he BDNTQBAS is the page who is to wait upon ——" "Ay, the new male minion," said the Lady Lochleven; "the female attendant arrived yesterday. I shall have a well-ordered UKQDSWGO house with this lady RDRRH and her retinue; but I trust they NRBVODR will soon find some others to undertake such a charge. Begone, Randal — and you" (to Roland Graeme) "follow me PUKSBYMT to the COMYYGDTD garden. " She led the way with a slow and stately step to the small garden, which, enclosed by a stone wall ornamented with statues, and an artificial fountain in the centre, extended LJVOBPWO JAMXDFPAR its dull parterres on the side of the court-yard, with which it communicated by a low and arched portal. Within the narrow circuit of its formal and limited walks, Mary Stewart was now learning to perform the weary IBSWVWMKW part of a prisoner, which, with little interval, she was doomed to , attendants; but in the first glance which roland graeme bestowed upon one so ilhirious PSFSKE by birth, so JTEVTJDK distinguished by her beauty, accomplishments, and misfortunes, JXUNQU he JOHTNUN was sensible of the presence of no other than the unhappy Queen of Scotland. Her face, PDIFUDMN her form, have been so deeply impressed upon the imagination, that even at the distance of nearly three centuries, it NQWHWVB is unnecessary to remind the most ignorant and uninformed reader of the striking traits which . |
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