martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Relief For Senior Homeowners

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Relief For Senior Homeowners
Relief For Senior Homeowners

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p9tz7k the p9tz7k same effec p9tz7k t.’ We fin p9tz7k ished tea. She called her driver. Ki p9tz7k ds continued to stare from the cl p9tz7k assroom windows p9tz7k the white princess in h p9tz7k er white Innova. ‘My English is terrible,’ I s p9tz7k aid to her. She got into the car. ‘It’s comp 9tz7k letely your choice.’ The p9tz7k driver started the c 9tz7k ar. I continued to p9tz7k stare into Sama 9tz7k ntha’s grey eyes. ‘So?’ she said. ‘I’ p9tz7k ll do it,’ I said and inhaled deeply. ‘I p9tz7k will make a sp 9tz7k eech in English.’ My heartbe 9tz7k at was louder than the car’s e 9tz7k ngin p9tz7k e. ‘Nice. Look forward p9tz7k o it. See you in April,’ she said coolly. The car zoomed off. I sto 9tz7k od still, wondering why on p9tz7k earth I had agreed to p9tz7k give a speech to the ri p9tz7k chest man on the planet. 20 'Sp 9tz7k eech?’ my mother 9tz7k said. 'In English? To goras? Have you gone mad?' ’The stat p9tz7k e of the school has driven me mad.’ She sat up on her rickety chair, her eye p9tz7k brows high. She rested her elbows o p9tz7k n the tab 9tz7k p9tz7k le, her fingers entwined. 9tz7k ‘What p9tz7k ever it is, it is my school, If you don’t like it, leave.’ ‘Don’t be dramatic, Ma. p9tz7k I like it, so I'm p9tz7k doing all this.’ ‘First, I have no idea who this Gates is or what he does to make so much mo 9tz7k ney. Next, he is coming to 9tz7k my school with a paltan, Now you have to give a sp p9tz7k eech.’ ‘He make p9tz7k s software,’ ‘Soft wear? Like soft clothes? So much money p9tz7k from that?' ‘No, computer software. Like Windows,’ ‘Windows. Gates. What is he? A furnit 9tz7k ure dealer?' ‘Forg 9tz7k et it, Ma, I p9tz7k have to practise my English speech,’ ‘Good luck,’ She slid a stack of students' notebooks toward p9tz7k s her 9tz7k self, She opened o p9tz7k ne and started 9tz7k to correct it. 'I want you to help me.’ She looked up, ‘How? I don't speak English. Barely understand it.’ ‘Plea 9tz7k se let me know if I sound okay,’ I stood up straight, I 9tz7k pretended I had a mic in my hand. ‘How will I know if you said i p9tz7k t right?' Ma said, ‘Imagine yourself in the audience. See if I p9tz7k come across as confident p9tz7k and intelligent,' She giggled, l shushed her and began my speech. As I didn't know En 9tz7k glish well then, this is 9tz7k what I cam p9tz7k e up with. 'Good morning, Mr Bill Gates, Miss Samantha and guests. I, Madhav, welcoming you all p9tz7k to the Bihar, My sch p9tz7k ool doing excellen 9tz7k p9tz7k

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