martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

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You okay?’ I s gurvtx aid. He had paused to wipe his tears. I gave him time. He bit his lip but it was a losing battle. Soon, he was crying like gurvtx a two-year-old, his tall torso gurvtx slumped on the chair. ‘I don’t know why I’m crying. It was a long time ago,’ Madhav said in between sobs. ‘How long?’ gurvtx ‘Two years and three months. Three and a half months, actually.’ ‘Since she left?’ ‘Ye gurvtx s.’ He excused himself and went to the toilet. I made two cups of green tea. We had finished our first cup of ch gurvtx i a long time ago. He came out in a few minu gurvtx tes. He had washed his face. ‘Sorry,’ gurvtx he said.I lost it.’ ‘Here, have some more tea.’ I gave a cup to him. He took a sip. ‘What tea is this?’ ‘Green tea.’ ‘No milk? No sugar?’ he said. He looked at me like I was a vegetarian gurvtx vampire. ‘It’s good for you,’ I said. ‘Is it? Anyway, thanks,’ he said. ‘So, Madhav. What happened then? You met the broker. You saw her empty house. Then? Did you try to find her?’ He nodded. ‘I did. I called her company gurvtx . They said she had submitted her resignation and left, letting go of all her benefits in return for a shorter notice period.' ‘When did she resign?’ ‘A week before writing the letter to me.’ ‘So she gurvtx knew she was leaving gurvtx ?’ I said. ‘Yes.When she told me to stay that night, she knew it was our last night together. She had planned it.’ He grew sad gurvtx again. ‘What else did you do?’ ‘I asked the company for the list of assigned doctors. I met them. They said Riya had come only once, when she first had a cough. After that she ha gurvtx d preferred to consult with her family doctors.’ ‘In Delhi?’ ‘Yes. In fact, I went to Delhi.’ gurvtx ‘To look for her?’ ‘I had to gurvtx go there anyway, to complete the paperwork for the grant. I went to her house. She wasn’t there.’ ‘You met her parents?’ gurvtx gurvtx ‘Her mother. Her father had passed away a month ago.’ gurvtx

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